There is a short overview on the initial OWLlink draft of 2008, an article introducing the final OWLlink protocol version 1.0 of 2009 and a description of the Java-based OWLlink API.
Finally, an article providing more rationals on the design decisions taken in OWLlink has been accepted for publication.
Thorsten Liebig, Marko Luther, Olaf Noppens, and Michael Wessel.
Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability Journal by IOS Press. (to appear)
Thorsten Liebig, Marko Luther, Olaf Noppens, Mariano Rodriguez, Diego Calvanese, Michael Wessel, Matthew Horridge, Sean Bechhofer, Dmitry Tsarkov, and Evren Sirin.
OWLlink: DIG for OWL 2.
OWLED 2008, 5th OWL Experienced and Directions Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2008.
Please Comment
The OWLlink Working Group seeks public feedback. Please send your comments to public-comments@owllink.org or post to the public discussion forum at http://www.owllink.org/forum/.
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